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Name : 鍖荤編绾や綋鍐峰喕鐤楃▼
Cosmetic Medicine Cryolipolysis Treatment
Description :

鍐峰喕鑴傝偑閲囩敤闈炰镜鍏ユф不鐤楁柟娉曪紝绮剧‘浼犻佲滃喎鍐讳綔鐢ㄢ濊嚦韬綋鑴傝偑绉仛浣嶇疆锛岄拡瀵规秷闄ら〗鍥鸿剛鑲粏鑳炪傝剛鑲粏鑳炲懆鍥寸殑鍏朵粬缁勭粐瀹规槗鍙楀埌鍐峰喕浣滅敤褰卞搷锛岃剛鑲粏鑳炰細鍦ㄦ憚姘4掳c鍑濆浐锛 鍒嗚В锛岃岃剛鑲粏鑳炶鍦ㄩ浂搴︽墠浼氭浜★紝鍥犺屽彲浠ュ畨鍏ㄦ秷闄よ剛鑲粏鑳炪傚悓鏃朵笉浼氭崯瀹崇毊鑲ゅ拰鑴傝偑缁嗚優鍛ㄥ洿缁勭粐銆傞厤鍚堛婅礋鍘+鍏夎兘+灏勯銆嬩笁绉嶆妧鏈负涓浣擄紝灏嗕汉浣撹剛鑲Щ鍔ㄤ綅缃苟閫愭娑堝寲锛屼粠鑰屽疄鐜扳滆剛鑲浆绉烩濋洉濉戣韩浣撶嚎鏉★紝閲嶇幇瀹岀編浣撴併

Cryolipolysis is a medical treatment used to destroy fat cells. Its principle relies on controlled cooling to temperature of 4掳c for the non-invasive localized reduction of fat deposits in order to reshape body contours. The exposure to cooling is set so that it causes cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without apparent damage to the overlying skin. The procedure is billed as a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction. The process is also known as "fat freezing"

Company Particular
Company : Labelle Slim Beauty Centre ( BioSecret-Paris )
Fax : 07-3534603
Address : 5A, Jalan Molek 2/38, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor.
Email :
Website : http://biosecret-paris.com