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Name : 浜旇鍏荤敓鍗靛发璋冪悊鎶ょ悊鐤楃▼
Ovary & Uterus caring Treatment
Description :

娓╁鍗靛发淇濆吇姒傚康鏄寚濂虫т繚鍏诲嵉宸㈣椤哄簲鍗靛发鐨勫懆鏈熸у彉鍖栫壒鐐规潵鏀瑰杽鍗靛发鍔熻兘锛屾妸绮炬补鏀惧湪鑲氱毊涓婃寜鎽╋紝 璁╃簿娌圭敱鐨笅姣涚粏琛绠℃笚閫忓埌鍗靛发锛 鎻愰珮鍗靛发鍌ㄥ鑳藉姏锛屼績杩涘嵉娉″彂鑲插拰鎺掑嵉锛屽欢缂撳嵉宸㈡棭琛扮瓑濡囩鐤剧梾锛 璋冩暣鏈堢粡鍛ㄦ湡锛屽欢缂撹佸寲锛屽嵉宸繚鍏诲仛寰楀ソ锛屽彲浠ヤ娇闈㈤儴鐨偆缁嗚吇鍏夋粦锛岀櫧閲岄忕孩锛屼績杩涚敓娈栧拰鏈轰綋鍋ュ悍锛岃皟鑺傚苟鍒嗘硨闆屾ц嵎灏旇挋锛屾彁楂樹袱鎬х敓娲昏川閲忋

Ovary & Uterus maintenance concept refers to the periodic changes of women should comply with the maintenance of ovarian ovary to improve ovarian function, put the oil on the belly massage, left the oil penetration by the subcutaneous capillaries to ovary, improve ovarian reserve capacity, promote follicular development and ovulation, delaying premature ovarian failure and other gynecological diseases, adjust the menstrual cycle, delay aging. Ovarian maintenance is done well, can make delicate facial skin smooth and rosy, promote reproduction and the body health, regulation and female hormone secretion, improve sexual life quality.

Company Particular
Company : Labelle Slim Beauty Centre ( BioSecret-Paris )
Fax : 07-3534603
Address : 5A, Jalan Molek 2/38, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor.
Email :
Website : http://biosecret-paris.com